Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver

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(1) As used in this section:

(a)(A) “Driving” means operating a motor vehicle on a highway or premises open to the public, and while temporarily stationary because of traffic, a traffic control device or other momentary delays.

(B) “Driving” does not include when the motor vehicle has stopped in a location where it can safely remain stationary and:

(i) Is pulled over on the side of, or is pulled off, a roadway;

(ii) Is in a designated parking space; or

(iii) Is required to park in the roadway to conduct construction or utility maintenance work.

(b) “Hands-free accessory” means an attachment or built-in feature for or an addition to a mobile electronic device that gives a person the ability to keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times while using the device or requires only the minimal use of a finger, via a swipe or tap, to activate or deactivate a function of the device.

(c) “Livestock” has the meaning given that term in ORS 609.125 (Definition of “livestock”).

(d)(A) “Mobile electronic device” means an electronic device that is not permanently installed in a motor vehicle.

(B) “Mobile electronic device” includes but is not limited to a device capable of text messaging, voice communication, entertainment, navigation, accessing the Internet or producing electronic mail.

(e) “Using a mobile electronic device” includes but is not limited to using a mobile electronic device for text messaging, voice communication, entertainment, navigation, accessing the Internet or producing electronic mail.

(2) A person commits the offense of driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device if the person, while driving a motor vehicle on a highway or premises open to the public:

(a) Holds a mobile electronic device in the person’s hand; or

(b) Uses a mobile electronic device for any purpose.

(3) This section does not apply to a person:

(a) Who is employed as a commercial motor vehicle driver, or as a school bus driver, and is using a mobile electronic device within the scope of the person’s employment if the use is permitted under regulations promulgated pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 31136;

(b) Who is employed as a driver of a vehicle having a gross vehicle weight rating or gross vehicle weight of at least 10,001 pounds and is using a mobile electronic device within the scope of the person’s employment and as required under regulations promulgated pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 31137;

(c) Who is operating a two-way radio device that transmits radio communication transmitted by a station operating on an authorized frequency within the business, citizens’ or family radio service bands in accordance with rules of the Federal Communications Commission while transporting forest products, or while operating a vehicle to assist in logging operations, within the scope of the person’s employment;

(d) Who is using a two-way radio device while operating a school bus or school activity vehicle within the scope of the person’s employment;

(e) Who is using a two-way radio device or operating a two-way radio device that transmits radio communication transmitted by a station operating on an authorized frequency within the business, citizens’ or family radio service bands in accordance with rules of the Federal Communications Commission while operating a vehicle owned or contracted by a utility for the purpose of installing, repairing, maintaining, operating or upgrading utility service, including but not limited to natural gas, electricity, water or telecommunications, within the scope of the person’s employment;

(f) Who is using a two-way radio device while operating a vehicle wider than the lane of travel, a vehicle transporting livestock or a vehicle requiring a slow-moving vehicle emblem under ORS 815.110 (Requirements for and use of slow-moving vehicle emblem), and the use of the device facilitates the safe operation of the vehicle; or

(g) Who is using a two-way radio device while operating a pilot or safety vehicle used to assist the safe movement of a vehicle described in paragraph (f) of this subsection, and the use of the device facilitates the safe movement of the vehicle described in paragraph (f) of this subsection.

(4) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution of a person under this section that the person:

(a) Used the mobile electronic device to communicate if the person was summoning or providing medical or other emergency help if no other person in the vehicle was capable of summoning help;

(b) Was 18 years of age or older and was using a hands-free accessory;

(c) Was driving an ambulance or emergency vehicle while acting within the scope of the person’s employment;

(d) Was a police officer, firefighter or emergency medical services provider and was acting within the scope of the person’s employment;

(e) Was 18 years of age or older, held a valid amateur radio operator license issued or any other license issued by the Federal Communications Commission and was operating an amateur radio;

(f) Was operating a two-way radio device that transmits radio communication transmitted by a station operating on an authorized frequency within the business, citizens’ or family radio service bands in accordance with rules of the Federal Communications Commission to summon medical or other emergency help; or

(g) Was using a medical device.

(5) The offense described in this section, driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device, is:

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, for a person’s first conviction, a Class B traffic violation.

(b) For a person’s first conviction, if commission of the offense contributes to an accident described in ORS 811.720 (When accident must be reported to Department of Transportation), a Class A traffic violation.

(c) For a person’s second conviction within a 10-year period following the date of the person’s first conviction, a Class A traffic violation.

(d) For a person’s third or subsequent conviction within a 10-year period preceding the date of the person’s current conviction, a Class B misdemeanor.

(6) In addition to any other sentence that may be imposed, the court shall impose a minimum fine of $2,000 on a person convicted of a Class B misdemeanor under subsection (5)(d) of this section.

(7) For purposes of this section, sentences for two or more convictions that are imposed in the same sentencing proceeding are considered to be one sentence.

(8)(a) For a person’s first conviction of driving a motor vehicle while using a mobile electronic device, the court may suspend the fine to be imposed under subsection (5)(a) of this section on the condition that the person, within 120 days of sentencing:

(A) Complete at the person’s own expense a distracted driving avoidance course approved by the Department of Transportation under ORS 811.508 (Distracted driving avoidance course); and

(B) Provide proof of completion to the court.

(b) The court may schedule a hearing to determine whether the person successfully completed the distracted driving avoidance course.

(c) If the person has successfully completed the requirements described in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the court shall enter a sentence of discharge. Notwithstanding ORS 153.021 (Minimum fines), a sentence of discharge imposed under this paragraph may not include a fine.

Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver

(d) If the person has not successfully completed the requirements described in paragraph (a) of this subsection, the court shall:

(A) Grant the person an extension based on good cause shown; or

(B) Impose the fine under subsection (5)(a) of this section.

(9) The department shall place signs on state highways to notify drivers that it is unlawful to drive a motor vehicle on the highways of this state while using a mobile electronic device and violators are subject to criminal penalties. [2007 c.870 §2; 2009 c.834 §1; 2011 c.530 §1; 2013 c.757 §1; 2017 c.629 §§1,2; 2018 c.32 §1]

Note: Section 5, chapter 629, Oregon Laws 2017, provides:

Sec. 5. The amendments to ORS 811.507 (Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device) by section 1, chapter 629, Oregon Laws 2017, apply to:

(1) Offenses committed on or after October 1, 2017; and

(2) For purposes of determining prior convictions within a 10-year period under ORS 811.507 (Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device) (5)(c) or (d), prior convictions occurring on or after July 1, 2018. [2017 c.629 §5; 2018 c.32 §3]

Note: Section 4, chapter 32, Oregon Laws 2018, provides:

Sec. 4. (1) A person convicted of an offense under ORS 811.507 (Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device) (5)(c) or (d), the classification of which was enhanced due to the court taking into account one or more prior convictions occurring before July 1, 2018, may request in writing that the court redetermine the classification of the offense.

(2) Upon receipt of a request under this section, if the court determines that the classification of the offense was based upon the court taking into account one or more prior convictions occurring before July 1, 2018, the court shall vacate the judgment of conviction and enter a new judgment of conviction for a Class B or Class A traffic violation in accordance with ORS 811.507 (Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device) (5)(a) or (b). [2018 c.32 §4]

Note: 811.507 (Operating motor vehicle while using mobile electronic device) was added to and made a part of the Oregon Vehicle Code by legislative action but was not added to ORS chapter 811 or any series therein. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Notes of Decisions

Where defendant was looking at mobile communica­tion device while driving but did not speak into device or push any buttons on device, defendant did not use device under this sec­tion, which prohibits only talking and texting on mobile communica­tion device while driving. State v. Rabanales-Ramos, 273 Or App 228, 359 P3d 250 (2015)

See also annota­tions under ORS chapter 483 in permanent edi­tion.

Notes of Decisions

Under Former Similar Statute

A party in viola­tion of a motor vehicle statute is neg­li­gent as a matter of law unless he introduces evidence from which the trier of fact could find that he was acting as a reasonably prudent per­son under the circumstances. Barnum v. Williams, 264 Or 71, 504 P2d 122 (1972)

Law Review Cita­tions

Under Former Similar Statute

10 WLJ 207 (1974)

    News Reports

  • “Oregon's cell phone law requires the use of a hands-free accessory while using a mobile communica­tion device and operating a vehicle . . .”
  • “. . . unlike the seat belt law under which you have to doing something else wrong in order to be pulled over, talking on a cell phone without a bluetooth or ear piece WILL put flashing lights in your rear-view mirror for that viola­tion alone.”
  • “Since Oregon enacted their new cell phone law on January 1st, many people have asked me if it applies to people riding bicycles. . . .”
1 Legislative Counsel Committee, CHAPTER 811—Rules of the Road for Drivers, https://­www.­oregonlegislature.­gov/­bills_laws/­ors/­ors811.­html (2019) (last ac­cessed May 16, 2020).
2 Legislative Counsel Committee, Annotations to the Oregon Revised Stat­utes, Cumulative Supplement - 2019, Chapter 811, https://­www.­oregonlegislature.­gov/­bills_laws/­ors/­ano811.­html (2019) (last ac­cessed May 16, 2020).
3 assembles these lists by analyzing references between Sections. Eachlisted item refers back to the current Section in its own text. The result revealsrelationships in the code that may not have otherwise been apparent. Currency Information

December 2020

Selectors: Coral Carter, Rose van Son, Barry Sanbrook and Gary De Piazzi

Submissions Manager: Jaya Penelope



late sunlight
the bleached bones
of swamp gums

so tiny
in my cupped palm
a ladybird

deepening shadows
a currawong
calls the night

Gavin Austin
Sydney, Australia


emptying itself into itself spring floods

after rain …
the umbrella becomes
a staff

Taofeek Ayeyemi


winter seaside
a lone dog chases
all the breakers

wild brambleberries
i ignore
the cuts

unable to let go
the old wall
and the ivy

her best china
used at last

summer dusk
a white cat gathers
the last light

Michael Baeyens
Geraardsbergen, Belgium


Victorian ruffles
and petticoats

too late
to turn back

Roberta Beach Jacobson
Indianola, Iowa, USA


Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver

mobile phone tower
with parcels

Rohan Buettel


a towhee
skates across the birdbath
first frost

not seeing
what’s before me
star gazing

campaign rally
dogs join
coyote chorus

Alanna C. Burke
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA


hidden by fog
first week of the election

Drivers america online sign in. cars stop
for me to cross
in another state

Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver

slim new moon
we walk to eat

a dragonfly crosses
against the lights

Coral Carter


in capital letters
online argument

never confessed
pressed flowers

dandelion fields …
how you blow things
out of proportion

Hemapriya Chellappan
Pune, India


crunch the gravel path—
no dog barks

Lysa Collins


black cockatoo in the hakea
a tough nut to crack

rosellas devour flowerbuds
colour now
not later

bleached coral frames
silent canaries
stripped of their down

two lifeforms entwined
a moonscape on earth

beneath the creek’s smooth surface
perch swim to stay still

Natalie Cooke


paying respect
to fallen soldiers
rising sun

Stella Damarjati,
Adelaide, Australia.


dad’s last letter
only a question

Maya Daneva, Netherlands


leaves rustle
an open book
under the tree

in her eyes
the face inside the face
in the mirror

Gary Colombo De Piazzi


a bright juicy apple
full of worms
our marriage

dense tire tracks
the friendships
we leave behind

Radostina Dragostinova


our prayers choke
the rattling sounds
from her throat

a direct question
the teacup handle gripped
more closely

Mike Gallagher


lapping up
the long lockdown
pandemic puppy

Louise Hopewell
Melbourne, Australia


the swell of apples
in the orchard

the tap of his stick
the tilt of his hat

Marilyn Humbert


Nature is a kind of magic
which must not be neglected

Geraldine Ingram


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rumble of a chainsaw
the fog around it
cut to pieces

Samo Kreutz
Ljubljana, Slovenia


cloud scraps
drift across the lake—
barely a ripple

duck dive—
measuring absence
in ripples

spring shower—
her canvas chair sinks
in the yard

John Low
Portland NSW Australia


Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Drivers

a cabbage moth flirts
with a white peg

Mardi May


cooking our catch
from the coals the smoky aroma
of paperbark

rush of wings
in the marsh high grasses
the bird I didn’t see

Mark Miller


the woodland path
leads me to a clearing
shakuhachi music

time to savour
a pot of fragrant tea…
working from home

Leanne Mumford
Sydney, Australia


Hiroshima Day
grandpa uncle grandma aunt

niece brings
new rice

Guliz Mutlu


finding face
with finger tips
—foggy mirror

suraj nanu


mums funeral
a lone crow
edges closer

Jan Napier


after Mass
children jumping over
sidewalk cracks

holiday fireworks
war vet and dog retreat
to the basement

waiting his return …
on her windowsill

Calgary, AB, Canada


the iris
beside the road
marks the spot

spring walk
the dog raises
his tail

deep in her wardrobe
the clothes
of a young woman

Julian O’Dea


country dance the whirl of a willy-willy

quilter’s yarn
I don’t take long
to lose the thread

star gazing
all these cherry blossoms
beneath my feet

old dog
I set the bar

Gregory Piko


powdered neck …
a string of cultured pearls
plays hide and seek

Milan Rajkumar
Imphal, India


one by one
crows land on a branch—
daily attendance

Palle Krishna Rao


condemned cottage
swallows nest
on a charred beam

dog beach
my old mate’s shadow
running free

Lyn Reeves


weathered stone
a little rain left
in each divot

pelting rain
one less duckling
than yesterday

cleaning a hairbrush
the last bits of us
still entwined

autumn rain
an acorn cap
full of it

the bookends
growing further apart
winter solitude

Bryan Rickert
Belleville, Illinois USA


approaching bushfire
my aunt tosses the silver
into the dam

homeless man
a pigeon lands
on his shoulder

online schooling
lessons without

Cynthia Rowe


a coot’s bottom
no decorum
her feet flap

broken twigs
a crack
as I walk

Barry Sanbrook


home isolation
stirring In
the spices

Manoj Sharma
Kathmandu, Nepal


tonight’s news of your passing scent of your favourite cigar

how even the blue morning spreads across prairie skies

Creatix Mobile Phones & Portable Devices Driver

Silk, USA


influencer’s post
feeds my guilt

Padma Srinivasan
Dundee, Scotland, UK


first crayons
the little girl makes
a zig zag rainbow

Rajeshwari Srinivasan


moaning ravens
the only companions
of a scarecrow

two old men
split a nation into
blue and red

Tom Staudt


Grand Final
yellow and black daisies
on my brother’s grave

the dentist talks about
wedding cake

I ponder
the philosophy of Homer

Mary Stone


candy cane snail
it takes time to earn
your stripes

unkempt graves
the poppies that once
stood at attention

the portal
of a wren’s nest

Debbie Strange
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Sunday Mass
blessing myself
with alcohol gel

forty years married
less kama
and more sutra

Roger Watson


a haircut and a shave—
seeing but not knowing
the beggar

Elaine Wilburt
Easton, Maryland, US
