TiePie engineering high quality test and measurement products: oscilloscopes, arbitrary waveform generators, function generators, spectrum analyzers, protocol analyzers, data loggers, multimeters and related accessories. Cleverscope 4.691 An application that can interpret information received from data acquisition units, such as oscilloscopes and display scope, spectrum and signal details User rating: Editor's rating: Downloads: 1,863 License: Freeware Download. Download=20 this.zip file to install Cleverscope v3.309 on = Win98 SE=20 - WinXP systems for Pentium I and II processors. = NOTE:=20 These platforms are no longer supported, and = this is the=20 last version for Pentium I and II processors. = This=20 version is identical to version 3512, with the = exception=20 of digital graphs.
- Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeter
Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Real-time, FFT, OscilloScope, Frequency counter, voltmeter, noise and distortion meter, phase shift meter. Multi-Tone Sound Frequency Sweep Generator. White, pink noise. - Zelscope
Zelscope is a Windows software that converts your PC into a dual-trace storage oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. It uses your computer's sound card as analog-to-digital converter, presenting a real-time waveform or spectrum of the signal - which can be music, speech, or output from an electronic circuit. - Cobracom
Oscilloscope, Realtime spectrum analyzer, Impedance meter, RLC bridge and signal generator for Windows. Is a Windows application that converts your PC into a powerful dual-trace signal analyzer (oscilloscope, FFT etc..) . Uses your PC sound card as an Analog-to-Digital a Converter to digitize any input waveformand as Digital-to-analog Converter for the signal generator.True 24 bit adc/dac 48K/96k/192k sampes/sec.
- Android Oscilloscope- Run an oscilloscope under your Android phone
- Audio Spectrum Analyzer - OscilloMeterpop- Audio Spectrum Analyzer for Real-time, FFT, OscilloScope, Frequency counter, voltmeter, noise and distortion meter, phase shift meter. Multi-Tone Sound Frequency Sweep Generator. White, pink noise.[ Hits: 88827 | Votes: 325 | Rating: 6.2 ]
- Baudline signal analyzer- A Linux based FFT spectrum analyzer designed for time-frequency browsing and scientific data visualization. Oscilloscope waveform, statistical histogram, accumulated spectral trace,Weak Signal reception, continuos data logging, FFT Analyzer and specialized measurement windows.
- BIP Electronics Lab Oscilloscope- Freeware windows oscilloscope uses the sound card's input to measure signals. This means that the quality of the scope depends on the quality of your sound card.The scope automatically uses the highest sample frequency available at the input that you select[ Hits: 9916 | Votes: 16 | Rating: 5.5 ]
- Cleverscope - The PC USB mixed signal oscilloscope- Cleverscope PC based oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers and signal generators
- Cobracom- Oscilloscope, Realtime spectrum analyzer, Impedance meter, RLC bridge and signal generator for Windows. Is a Windows application that converts your PC into a powerful dual-trace signal analyzer (oscilloscope, FFT etc..) . Uses your PC sound card as an Analog-to-Digital a Converter to digitize any input waveformand as Digital-to-analog Converter for the signal generator.True 24 bit adc/dac 48K/96k/192k sampes/sec.[ Hits: 21042 | Votes: 13 | Rating: 6.23 ]
- Digital Oscilloscope and analyzer software- PC based mixed signal digital oscilloscope and analyzer software for BitScope. Runs on Windows, Linux or Mac OSX systems.
- Oscilloscope Software by Tektronix- Tektronix oscilloscope software helps automate and speed up the testing and evaluation of challenging system designs. Choose from over 30 software packages[ Hits: 2458 | Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.67 ]
- PicoScope- Pico Technology have developed a wide range of professional PC-based instruments that offer all the functionality of conventional test equipment (DSO - digital storage oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, meter), and also many features not normally available in this price range. Available functios are Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyser, XY Scope, Meter and Measurements
- ScopePar- ScopePar turns your old PC into a multi-channel oscilloscope, the user-interface to which is SeriCon on Windows PC.[ Hits: 5474 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1 ]
- Soundcard Oscilloscope- PC based Soundcard Oscilloscope software that receives its data from the Soundcard with 44.1kHz and 16 Bit resolution.
- USBee- PC and USB Oscilloscope, Logic Analyzer, Signal Generator and Protocol Decoder and Analyzer[ Hits: 5912 | Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.25 ]
- Virtins Technology- Offer PC based virtual instrument for electronics enthusiasts, students and professionals, including full-fledged sound card real time Oscilloscope, Spectrum Analyzer and Signal Generator.
- Xoscillo- A multiplatform software oscilloscope and logical analyzer software that acquires data using an arduino or a parallax USB Oscilloscope[ Hits: 2210 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0 ]
- xoscope for Linux- xoscope (or oscope) is a digital oscilloscope for Linux
- Zelscopepop- Zelscope is a Windows software that converts your PC into a dual-trace storage oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. It uses your computer's sound card as analog-to-digital converter, presenting a real-time waveform or spectrum of the signal - which can be music, speech, or output from an electronic circuit.[ Hits: 70574 | Votes: 25 | Rating: 5.09 ]
- ZScope- ZScope oscilloscope software is free with the purchase of any ZTEC oscilloscope available in PCI, PXI, VXI, & LXI. Remote control ZTEC oscilloscopes.

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Isolated channel capture (1kV Class III), 100 dB CMRR at 50 MHz, Frequency Response Analysis, Component LCR measurement, MSPS streaming to disk for days, high resolution spectra, sophisticated maths, Matlab and Excel live, external sampling clock, Ethernet or USB, Isolated Signal Generator, mixed signal capture.. just some of the things Cleverscope does for you!
We make high accuracy mixed signal acquisition units, and have spent over ten years developing extremely capable software to make them easy and intuitive to use. Our oscilloscopes and software simplify the jobs that engineers need to do on a daily basis.
We were going to be at PCIM again in May but Covid-19 has put paid to that. We will confirm our next show when borders have opened again. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like to see an on-line demonstration send us an email and we will respond promptly.
Our best wishes to everyone for 2021. New Zealand is open for business if not yet travel. We have stock and can ship within a few days via Fedex.
Updated Cscope Control Driver DLL and Labview VI
We have updated the Cscope Control Driver DLL and Labview VI with an extension to the Function procedure which adds all the values such as DC, RMS.SINAD and THD available in the Cleverscope App. We have also built a new procedure to return the Spectrum of the captured signals, with programmable Window function, and Spectrum type. See Downloads/drivers section.
CS448 Isolated Oscilloscope
Uber drivers attacked. Check out our CS448 channel isolated scope. It has 4 channels, 1kV isolation, >100 dB CMRR at 50 MHz, and 14 bit ADC's at 500 MSPS. It's a beast! New CS1090 half bridge exploration and CS1110 Vce sat probe download docs have been added to the page. You can also use it for FRA.
Read more about CS448Lifetime Warranty

Subject to registration of ownership within one month of purchase (automatic for web purchasers) we will continue to support and repair at no charge any units returned to us where the fault is caused by manufacturing or design failure.
Read MoreFrequency Response Analysis Capability
Frequency response Analysis capability is built into all our capture products.
In order to manually update your driver, follow the steps below (the next steps): 1. Extract the.cab file to a folder of your choice 2. Go to Device Manager (right click on My Computer, choose Manage and then find Device Manager in the left panel), or right click on Start Menu for Windows 10 and select. Windows® Windows XP®(SP3 or greater) Windows Vista® Windows 7® Windows 8® Windows 10® Works with devices running Android®,Motorola OS, or Windows Mobile® operating systems. Mac OS X® Mac OS® 10.5.8 Leopard Mac OS® 10.6 Snow Leopard Mac OS® 10.7 Lion Mac OS® 10.8 Mountain Lion Mac OS® 10.10 Yosemite Works with devices running. Cmd usb devices driver download for windows 10. USB Mass Storage Driver - Windows 10 Service. USB Mass Storage Class Driver by Microsoft Corporation. This service also exists in Windows 7, 8 and Vista. Windows 10 version Home Pro. Select your Windows 10 edition and release, and then click on the Download button below. Select Update Driver. If Windows doesn't find a new driver, you can try looking for one on the device manufacturer's website and follow their instructions. Reinstall the device driver. In the search box on the taskbar, enter device manager, then select Device Manager. Right-click (or press and hold) the name of the device, and select Uninstall.
See our Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) page with new videos, including an Impedance Measurement Tour which quickly displays Cleverscopes' FRA capabilities.
Read More About FRAMeasuring milli ohm impedance capacitors

We've got a new how to video measuring a 22uF ceramic capacitor with 5 mOhm impedance and very low esr. This video also shows the new log amplitude axis option so you can use sensible units such as Ohms over decades of range. The video uses a lash-up test fixture, but production versions will be available soon.
Read MoreLog amplitude in Spectrum Display
The Spectrum display now supports log amplitude. We have placed two buttons on the display so you can choose between linear or log. As the Spectrum Display can source from Maths, or FRA (in addition to Scope/Tracker Displays), you can have calculated results with very large dynamic ranges, which are best represented with a log display.

The log display is illustrated in the 22uF capacitor impedance plot video.
See the log display in action.